Dr Myriam Carballo

Dr Myriam Carballo

Dr Carballo received her DDS from Buenos Aires University, UBA, She has achieved Fellowship and Mastership in ICCMO, and she has been fully dedicated to NMD for the past 25 years. Actually she is International President Elect of ICCMO, Vice President South American Section, Associate Professor in charge of Temporomandibular Dysfunction and Oral Facial Pain Department, School of Dental Medicine, Interamerican Open University, UAI, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Co-Director of the Post Graduate Training Course on NM Dentistry, UAI Private NM Fixed and Functional Orthodontic practice & National and International Lecturer on NM Dentistry.

TOPIC: NM Aligners and Traditional Braces to Provide Long-Term Stability in the TMD Patient (40 minutes lecture)
Dr. Carballo’s presentation will review the Protocols to treat the Cranio-Cervico-Mandibular-Dysfuntion patient with Invisible Aligners and Conventional Braces through neuromuscular principles. After the initial stabilization of the primary etiologies and perpetuating factors of TMD during Phase I, Aligners with NM Table-Tops and Traditional Orthodontics with NM orthosis guide, are good options to reach a successful long term result. Learning Objectives: Understand the importance of maintaining the occlusal therapeutic position with presicion from Phase I to Phase II long term treatment, using objective K7 testing controls during all the treatment. Clinical cases will be reviewed.